Wednesday, May 18, 2011


The Franklin Times -

As the conflict in Afghanistan enters its ninth year it is becoming clearer and clearer that the western world is failing. One would be hard pressed to look at this war-torn nation and conclude that progress is being made or that it is even possible. This is a land that has defeated every foreign force that has tried to control or change it.

It is a land governed by religious extremism, tribalism, warlords, and drug smugglers. Since bringing Karzai to power after the fall of the Taliban government, the United States has been unable to extend his power. Many analysts agree that while President of Afghanistan in name, Karzai's true power does not extend outside the capital of Kabul.

To complicate matters, the Taliban has reemerged. Supported by sympathetic Pashtuns in Pakistan's ungovernable frontier, this religious movement has reasserted its control over much of the countryside and drug trade. This has led to increasing violence throughout the country and has threatened to prevent the creation of a stable Afghanistan.

In response to these changing dynamics, the United States has reevaluated its military strategy in the country. President Obama and Defense Sec. Gates expanded the military operation and increased the number of troops in country. NATO, which officially has military command of all international forces, is growing wary of the extended military involvement. European nations seem increasingly unwilling to send more troops. Last Spring, Prime Minister Chaffins also announced that the Franklin States would expand its troop commitment. With nearly 3,000 troops now in country and unsteady progress questions arise. Should our commitment continue? What are the goals? What does success look like?

So, now the question for our nation is straightforward: does Franklin continue to commit military forces to Afghanistan?


The Prosperous Party said...

The Prosperous Party beleives that FSA military forces are no longer necessarty in Afghanistan. However, we do not beleive in a total pull out of troops. The number of troops should gradually decrease until there are only a small fraction of the original number remaining. This will allow us to spend less money on defense and allocate more money to other programs, such as healthcare, or education.

The Prosperous Party said...

The Prosperous Party belives that troops should be withdrawn from Afganistan down to a minimal force and try to create peace treaties with countries such as Afghanistan and prevent any more conflicts unless they are in no way able to be prevented. As a party we wish to decrese military size while still keeping a majority of our power. This will be done through the process of creating more unmaned wepon systems and more advanced technology to keep the FSA in the lead of international powers.

sorrellnicole12 said...

The war in Afghanistan is not an issue that the Wise Ole Party is going to leave unresolved. The WOP has committed itself to help make the Franklin States of America a better place to live. This includes depleting all threats in foreign territories. In order to do this, the WOP will not increase the number of troops that are currently stationed in Afghanistan, but we will apportion more money to help create new technology in order to gain control of the Taliban, and cease its operations once and for all. The WOP also wants to create a clearer and a better understanding relationship with NATO, in the hopes that they will help out in ceasing the Taliban and other terrorist groups. This is also the same for the European nations that are unwilling to send more troops; we do not want nations to lose hope. This is for the people we are trying to protect and the WOP will try everything in their power to assure this to the nation and its people.

The Metamorphic Party said...

The MP plans to start withdrawing troops from Afghanistan after them being present there for nine years. In a few years our goal is to have half of the troops brought home for good. Our success would be to stop the deployment of troops to Afghanistan completely. With your support you can help us accomplish this task. Forget the rest, get with the best. We are the change!