Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Prime Minister Wilson visits the American Gulf Coast One Year Later

A month after announcing plans to expand offshore drilling; the Prime Minister visited ground zero of the Gulf Coast oil disaster and warned that residents could be facing a "potentially unprecedented environmental disaster."

The citizens of the United States are worried that the oil spill will damage the environment and economy around the Gulf States for a long time to come.

Eric Green from the Environmental Protection Council (EPC) is concerned about the wildlife around the area, and proclaims, "BP is responsible for this mess, and they are going to clean it up well...or there will be a price to pay, the price of destroying our shared earth."

The Prime Minister has taken little action to solve the oil spill issue. He stated, "The government will be leaving the clean-up to BP, for it is their responsibility."

The Prime Minister still believes that the current method of offshore drilling is an "important part of the strategy for energy security, and is domestic.” The enthusiasm from administration officials that were once for the Prime Minister’s plan has subsided.

Eric Green from the EPC went on to say, "The Prime Minister is partly accountable for these actions for previously promoting the offshore drilling in his State of the Union address. Therefore, the government should be taking action to help preventing it from happening in the future, and cleaning up the mess."

Now we the people ask the Franklin States: Will we keep this method, or create a new and better plan that does not risk the environment and economy? Will the government help clean up the oil spill, or will they let BP handle it all?


Wise Ole Party said...

The WOP believes that a better plan should be provided for back-up. Just in case, the situation tends to worsen, the plan can switch. The government should step in to help the BP. If the gas company has to clean up the massive oil spill without help, our government will not look good. It will seem as they want to take no party in helping the environment which is not what we want to promote. The WOP supports a healthy, natural environment that can benefit all. In other words, the faster, the better; the more help, the cleaner.

The Metamorphic Party said...

The Metamorphic Party believes that because of the goverment supporting and promoting the offshore drilling that they should help clean it up. This would help the environment and the economy tremendously and would help the job become finished much quicker. The environment holds a significant importance to the Metamorphic Party. The MP is on Eric Green's side and agrees that the oil spill needs to be cleaned up by the government along with BP. Forget the rest, get with the best. We are the change!