Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Judge Gives Immigrant in Same-Sex Marriage a Reprieve From Deportation


The Revolution Party said...

The recent move of the United States suspending the deportation of a male immigrant involved in a same-sex marriage shows that the United States is moving in a modern direction. The RP plans the move the Franklin States in a modern direction as well. Ignorance and intolerance are no way to rule a nation. Luckily, the FSA has already began the process of modernizing by passing a law allowing same-sex marriage back in 2009. Now the main issue is spreading the tolerance to all. By coming together to promote equality, the Revolution Party and the great citizens of our nation can change not only the FS, but the world as well.

Elizabeth Wren said...

The Wise Ole Party has once again choosen to speak out to support gay/lesbian marriage.
"We may start to sound repetitive but we want everyone to know what we stand for." WOP policy analyst Elizabeth Wren states. "We want everyone to know that we feel strongly that the citizens of Franklin should have the right to marry whomever they choose."
If the law can be extended to those who are here on greencard and choose to have a heterosexual marriage to a Franklin citizen in order to gain partial citizenship, then the law should extend to those of gay/lesbian marraige aswell.

The Metamorphic Party said...

The Metamorphic Party believes that citizens of the Franklin States of America should have the freedom of choice on whom they wish to marry. It is a persons decision if they wish to marry another that is the same sex as they are. The MP have listened and heard out, and will continue to hear the wants of the people. Equality needs to be brought upon in the FSA, and The Metamorphic Party is here to help. You can make the difference you want to see in your country. Forget the rest, get with the best. We are the change!