Monday, May 23, 2011

Election Hits Final Day

The Franklin Times -

The election is a day away and the race appeals tight. If the Wallup polls are to be believed the electorate looks to spread its support amongst a variety of parties. This will surely prevent any one party from gaining a majority and will force the "winner" to quickly enter into coalition negotiations with their rival parties.

However, the race is clearly not over. Many questions remain and their answers will impact the ultimate outcome of this election. Will the historical regional divide between west and east continue? Will center-left voters flock to the leftist parties in response to P.M. Wilson's policies? Which party will have the best "ground-game" and demonstrate the ability to turnout their supporters? Will conservative voters turnout or stay home (please refer to The Franklin Times story "Conservatives wary about 2011")? Will the interest groups organize and endorse or continue to sit on the sidelines?

Only the voters can answer these questions and they will deliver their decision in the next 24 hours.

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