Monday, May 16, 2011

The Prosperous Party adds to the ad war


Concerned. said...

I was asked during this video, "What is wrong with Government?" however, I was not provided with an answer. I feel as though this party is leaving us hanging, WITHOUT answers. I need to know why, and what will be done before I give this party any votes.

Concerned Citizen said...

This ad that the PP released to the public yesterday is masterful. Yesterday my vote was with the MM, but now I am with the PP. The Prosperous Party cares about my needs and I want them to win the election on May 23.

The Revolution Party said...

What exactly is their retirement system going to be if Social Security won't exist any more? Just saying that they are getting rid of Social Security almost implies that they intend to leave the retired in the dust, abandoning them to figure out how to support themselves on their own. The Revolution Party will do no such thing. We will stand by the people of our nation and gradually change to individualized retirement plans, in which both the employee and their employer will contribute to the employee's own personal retirement account. This way, the employee can control his or her own money, investing it as he or she pleases. This system has proven to work with teachers, so we think everybody should be able to enjoy the same great retirement plan. For more information, visit our website:
Don't forget, we're revolutionizing politics!