Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Early returns flood in...

The Franklin Times -

NEC initial reports show good news for the FLP, MP, RP, and WOP. These parties seem to be performing well.

Turnout models show strong voting in traditionally center-left precincts throughout the eastern states.

The RP seems to be benefiting from the absence of a true conservative party as many center-right voters are turning toward them.

However, the biggest story will be the very low conservative turnout. This will surely lead to a center-left government emerging from the 2011 elections.

The election remains tight and it is still too early and too close to project which party will emerge with the most seats. The NEC is reporting that no single party will emerge with a majority and a coalition government (which have governed Franklin for the past four years) will be required. The NEC is also reporting that returns will show the closest election in history at the top.

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