Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Parties Emerge

The Franklin Times -

The National Election Commission announced this morning the recognition of nine political parties. This represents the most parties ever recognized in a single electoral cycle. According to the NEC statement the following parties have formed and have been given formal permission to compete in the 2011 General Assembly elections: Franklin Liberal Party (FLP), Metamorphic Party (MP), Prosperous Party (PP), Revolution Party (RP), The Beluga-Whale Party (BWP), The Flyers Party (TFP), The People's Party (TPP), The Refresh Party (TRP), and Wise Ole Party (WOP).

With formal recognition the parties are now permitted to campaign in earnest. As is Franklin tradition, the nine recognized parties qualify for public financing and will each be given $60 million with which to run their campaigns. In regards to this public money, the NEC has announced that its financial disclosure form is due by Friday, May 13th.

Additionally, political analysts advise the parties to be active in presenting and projecting their platforms to the voters. If past elections are any indication active involvement in the media through blog posts, TV advertising, and utilization of campaign websites are keys to success.

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