Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Going negative


The Revolution Party said...

I would like to say that this commercial was a waste of the WOP's money. You said nothing about policy agendas or either party's platforms. Personally attacking a candidate is a low stoop even for politics. This is not offensive, I truly don't understand why this commercial was made. Our Party Leader’s picture was from an activity at a camp, which shows substantial leadership in our party. This commercial shows that the WOP has juvenile tactics in trying to win votes. Now the people know nothing about your party, because the previously made WOP commercial said little about specific policies they would like to enforce in government. The Revolution Party cares about the policies of the parties, not the party’s members.

Anonymous said...

How are they deceiving us? Everybody is allowed to have fun in their downtime aren't they? By the looks of things the two people have their act together, but also know that it is okay to have fun. Next time maybe provide some support for your claims?

The Metamorphic Party said...

I'm very confused as to why you would tell the people that you are better than them. The people want a leader who is going to respect and fit in with them, not dictate them. On your next ad, I would suggest trying to give the people hope, not fear.