Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Budget cuts hit poor the hardest

By DAVID ROGERS | 5/17/11 4:49 AM EDT

It’s Back to the Future, and who woulda’ thought: Bill Clinton’s the new target.

After campaigning on the promise to roll back spending to Bush-era levels, House Republicans have overshot their mark and landed in the last years of the Clinton administration — at least in the case of cuts from labor, health and education appropriations important to poor and working-class families.

Indeed, a proposed $139.2 billion cap for the annual labor, health and education bill is about $19 billion less than the eight-year average for the same discretionary spending under former President George W. Bush — when measured in current dollars. It comes closest, in fact, to a bill negotiated in late 2000 by the man who’s the White House budget director again, Jack Lew.

The Back to the Future scenario is important to the current debt ceiling debate on two counts.

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1 comment:

Brian Senters said...

This is why the Franklin Liberal Party is the party for you! We support the creation of new business, which therefore offer jobs to the unemployed. However, we care for those who suffer the consequence of poverty and despair. You are not forgotten! Unemployment benefits and social security will not be denied under the circumstance that you are not able to work! The FLP will work hard to further improve the conditions of unemployment and social security. As a nation, we are only as strong as a weakest citizen and to ensure a successful environment, we must work together to end suffering altogether! Our goal is to allow those who wish to achieve more pursue their goals, but to also not forget those who are unable to do so.

Brian Senters,
Leader of the FLP