Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Words Not To Use...

Like in work there are certain words to avoid using in campaigns...


LAP said...

The LAP found this atricle interesting and helpful. The words listed not to use portray an uncertain, untrustworthy attitude. The LAP can benefit from these tips and better our public speaking abilities. A confident leader is sure to gain attention and support. A leader must speak with passion and purpose. These qualities are sure to gain recognition and consideration in the upcoming election.

FAP Party Leader Tyler Wilson said...

The FAP agrees. Vague words should not be used, because it leaves an air of uncertainty among constituents.

Kayla Hurt said...

The CRP also finds this article to be helpful. After reading this article, our party feels that it will be helpful throughout the coming election. This article tells which words are advised not to be used when campaigning because certain words can harm/hurt the party and their campaign. The words in the article would make the politician and their campaign appear weak. The politicians would also appear to be unsure if these words are used. The public must have faith in a politician and their campaign and by not using these words the politician would be able to get the support that they need to win the election.

TUPP said...

TUPP believes that our party should refrain from using any of the words on this page so we can build trust and support, and so citizens will have confidence in our party over other parties.