Sunday, May 16, 2010

Final Campaign Push

NEC Announcement:

The National Election Commission invites the political parties to make one last argument to the voters for support. Those parties wishing to make a final statement or concluding electoral argument may do so by commenting to this post.


FAP Party Leader Tyler Wilson said...

The FAP believes voters to know which party is best for the nation. The FAP has a large amount of supporters, this is no coincidence. We fight to bring the power back to the people, not limit it. The FAP wants to see a day where the nation's decisions rest in the hands of the people, where they can change the government with a check on their ballot. That day is tomorrow. Tomorrow is the day to end the control of big government, and to vote it into the hands of the Franklinites. The FAP promises this. Vote the FAP, "By the people, for the people. A vote to bring the nation's together."

David Brownfield said...

The Party for the People is the moderate choice in the upcoming election. We believe in being a representative of what the people want. We want to make the government the best that it can be.
Please come out in vote in the upcoming election.

Emily Mobley- PLP Party Leader said...

This election has been a long, hard road for all parties involved. The PLP appreciates all the support we have received, both from interest groups, former elected officials, and, most importantly, the citizens of the FSA. Every member of our party has worked as hard as possible in order to ensure that the PLP would be the best choice for voters in this election, and I feel we have succeeded in meeting this goal.

We have stood strong to our beliefs throughout this election, and will continue to stay faithful to those beliefs if elected. We have always had the best interest of the citizens in mind. We will continue to always have their best interest in mind.

Our party hopes to further progress this nation into the future, and keep it involved in the world along the way. We know that there is a very bright future for the Franklin States of America, and we are the party that will take our country there. We have a great amount of faith in the people, and we hope that they will have a great amount of faith in us.

By voting for our party in tomorrow’s election, you will be helping to move our nation into a new age. An age of peacefulness and prosperity. An age of rebuilding our environment and reforming our education system. An age where all citizens will have equality, regardless of race, gender, or sexual orientation.

Many parties have fought hard in an effort to secure your vote in this election; we hope that our party has succeeded. We believe that the PLP has the best policies for our nation and our people. Remember, our ideas will change the world, but we need your votes to begin this change.