Thursday, May 6, 2010

Interest Group Releases Scathing Ad

The Franklin Times -

Through its first three elections, our nation was immune to the ads produced by unaccountable interest groups that seems to dominate the campaigns of our southern neighbor.  Yet, with several legal decisions in the last year it is clear this will no longer continue.  The national courts have ruled in two separate cases that NEC policies preventing so-called "issue ads" violated basic free speech protections. 

These decisions look to have already opened the political floodgates.  A group calling itself Concerned Franklin Workers has purchased massive air time in seven competitive states to run a blistering ad against the FAP (the ad can be found below).  The impact of this anti-FAP ad is uncertain as analysts agree that our nation is moving into uncharted waters.


Emily Mobley- PLP Party Leader said...

The PLP agrees with the Concerned Franklin Workers. The vauge wording of the FAP's first advertisement left us worried and confused about the party's goals if elected. What is meant by laissez faire? Will the FAP disregard workers rights, allowing businesses to abuse, overwork, and underpay their workers, simply for the benefit of business owners? Does this not violate the rights that the FAP is so keen to protect? The PLP supports workers rights and labor unions. We believe in setting minimum wage laws. The PLP also believes that government should help to support small businesses and farms. Supporting our business and helping them to grow is one of the best ways to support a growing economy.

FAP Party Leader Tyler Wilson said...

The FAP believes in a free-market economy with only the essential governmental regulations, like In food and health areas and other important aspects. THe FAP apologizes for not elaborating on the lassiez-faire statement.The FAP has fought numerous times with the PLP over protection of personal rights, there's no argue there that we hold these to be vital to a democracy and should not be taken away. The FAP, also, does not intend on creating policy around war and corruption. We believe war should be used when necessary. Our slogan, "...a vote to bring the nations together," is a symbol of our belief in positive international communications. The corruption referred to in the video has already been proven to be false and anyone who doesn't believe so can refer to our prior post on the supposed "corruption". The FAP has no intentions of having a concentration of wealth. The FAP believes in a progressive tax. This is a fair way to tax because as you make more money, you are taxed more. The FAP is confused on how anyone would view this as concentration of wealth? The FAP does not intend on getting rid of social security, though do not support in entirely. The ad is a poor representation of the intentions of the FAP.

FAP Party Leader Tyler Wilson said...

The FAP believes in a free-market economy with only the essential governmental regulations, like In food and health areas and other important aspects. THe FAP apologizes for not elaborating on the lassiez-faire statement.The FAP has fought numerous times with the PLP over protection of personal rights, there's no argue there that we hold these to be vital to a democracy and should not be taken away. The FAP, also, does not intend on creating policy around war and corruption. We believe war should be used when necessary. Our slogan, "...a vote to bring the nations together," is a symbol of our belief in positive international communications. The corruption referred to in the video has already been proven to be false and anyone who doesn't believe so can refer to our prior post on the supposed "corruption". The FAP has no intentions of having a concentration of wealth. The FAP believes in a progressive tax. This is a fair way to tax because as you make more money, you are taxed more. The FAP is confused on how anyone would view this as concentration of wealth? The FAP does not intend on getting rid of social security, though do not support in entirely. The ad is a poor representation of the intentions of the FAP.

Kyle Kennedy. Leader of the LAP said...

LAP is disappointed in this negative advertisement. Comparing Tyler Wilson, leader of the FAP, to Hitler and Stalin, two of the most evil men in history is absurd. This comparison is an insult to the people who have suffered from the hands of the tyrants of Stalin and Hitler. Also, proof, has already been laid out in detail to disprove any corruption in the FAP. I have watched the video and the proof is there, the picture taken that "proves corruption", is from an interview with Trio news, and the hand Jacob Rinehart is shaking is that of Emily Simpson. LAP does not approve of trying to smear a candidate on things that have already been proven to be false. I hope ads in the future at least, have the facts straight.

Kayla Hurt said...

The CRP does not believe that FAP party leader, Tyler Wilson is similar to previous leaders such as, Stalin or Hitler. But, the CRP is suspicious of the FAP's relationship with the media. As shown in the video, Jacob Rinehart is shaking hands with and unknown source, which turned out to be media interviewer, Emily Simpson. This appears to be corruption to other parties like the CRP, because the FAP seems to be making some type of a deal with Emily Simpson. The CRP was not wary of this photograph until the FAP began to surge ahead of every other party. This makes our party suspicious of the success of the FAP, is their success do to the help of the media, in which the FAP appeared to be making a deal with. One can only wonder, is this election truly fair. The CRP is also suspicious of the LAP because the CRP wonders why the LAP was sticking up for the FAP when you would think that each party would only be for their own party, especially when they are trying to win an election. Parties try to release negative ads against other parties not defend other parties as the LAP did with a comment that they made to the video.