Monday, May 17, 2010

NEC Declares West

NEC Announcement:

With 92% of all precendts counted the NEC can call the five western states.

The FAP wins Atrium with 50% of the vote
The FAP wins Bennett with 45% of hte vote
The FAP wins Gerke with 47% of the vote
The FAP wins Hampton with 46% of the vote
The FAP wins Hunter with 45% of the vote

TUPP takes second in all five with 16%, 15%, 23%, 22%, and 23% respectively

Based on NEC projections this will give the FAP 8 seats in Atrium, 5 in Bennett, 6 in Gerke, 7 in Hampton, and 5 in Hunter

Seat Count Projections through five states:
FAP: 31 seats
TUPP: 13 seats
PFP: 8 seats
PLP: 6 seats
CRP: 5 seats
LAP: 3 seats

FAP takes 46.7% of General Assembly seats from the five western states.

18.8% of seats awarded.

Overall turnout very high: NEC turnout estimate 74%

Counting slow in east. Will be morning before results are known.

Counting in central region (Capital State, Schenck, North & Sount Riegel) progressing...
PLP and LAP leading in Capital State
Too Close To Call in other three (three way race in all three (FAP, LAP, PLP))

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