Wednesday, May 12, 2010

FAP March Continues

The FAP continues its nationwide rally schedule. Visiting South Riegel and Wayne in the last two days, the FAP is attempting to make a larger play for swing states and votes.

Continuing his campaign themes, Party Leader Wilson spoke at both rallies. Wilson reiterated his claim that the FAP represents the only viable conservative party.

Pointing to strong poll support and massive rally turnouts Wilson stated, "The FAP represents the only mass-based conservative voice in this election. Only a vote for the FAP can assure a conservative government after Election Day."

It is clear that the FAP is building on momentum. It has enjoyed increasing poll numbers and is acting confident about its electoral chances. No other conservative party has challenged the FAP on its right flank meaning Wilson has been able to move his message to the center to appeal to moderate voters.

As Wilson explained himself, "My moderate brothers and sisters, join us in the struggle to end the horrendous policies of the TPP and Prime Minister Chaffins that have done nothing to solve our deep economic challenges."

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