Friday, May 14, 2010

Deputy Prime Minister Splits Government Endorsements

The Franklin Times -

On the heels of Prime Minister Chaffins endorsement, Deputy Prime Minister Taylor Jeromos voiced her strong support for the Progressive Liberal Party in an afternoon press conference.

Speaking in front of dozens of reporters, Jeromos explained her belief that the PLP represents the best possible alternative to continue the progress of the country.

"The Fanatical Party is particularly impressed with the education and environmental policies of the PLP. We see that they have a strong desire to improve upon the legislation of the FSA and to continue the commitment of government to better serve the people" said Jeromos.

The Deputy Prime Minister added that the Fanatical Party organization would be fully dedicated to assisting the PLP in its electoral effort.

1 comment:

Emily Mobley- PLP Party Leader said...

The PLP would like to thank Deputy Prime Minister Jeromos for her endorsement, and the entire Fanatical Party for thier support.