Monday, May 3, 2010

The Battle for Congress

2010 Elections: Parties Draw Battle Lines in Campaign for Congress

After Four Years, a Republican Takeover of the House Is Possible


WASHINGTON, May 3, 2010

It took Democrats 12 long years to fight their way back to the majority after their stinging defeat in 1994. And the party is in danger of handing control back to the Republicans after just four years at the helm...


FAP Party Leader Tyler Wilson said...

The 2010 election will be an important election for the United States. The FAP encourages candidates for the House to fight hard and challenge incumbents. The Republican control of the U.S. House sounds beneficial to the U.S., but just a replacement of the current members would help get something accomplished in Washington.

Brianna Ruppert said...

This election could lead the Democrats to hand control back over to the Republicans. However, Democrats are willing to stand strong and withhold current positions. It took twelve years to win the majority. I doubt the Democrats will give up their positions that easily. While a Republican takeover of the House is possible, incumbents have advantages that challengers do not. For instance, Democrat imcumbents have an advantage called the franking privilege. This allows them to send cards or other informative mail to constituents free of charge. Also, challengers may not have a voting record, which gives incumbents yet another advantage. Voters can see how members voted in past elections or on past issues, which helps the individual decide who they wish to vote for. The PLP believes that the Republican challengers have a decreased chance of winning back the house due to all the advantages incumbents withhold.

Campaign Director
Brianna Ruppert

TUPP said...

This coming up election will be extremely important for the U.S.'s future economy. TUPP fully supports the candidates challenging the current incumbents and believes this election will be a great example of how democracy can end political disputes peacefully.