Monday, May 3, 2010

Tory Lessons for Republicans

By E.J. Dionne
WASHINGTON -- "There's something else you need to know about me," declared the earnest young politician, "which is I believe the test of a good and strong society is how we look after the most vulnerable, the most frail and the poorest."

This lovely bleeding-heart liberal sentiment was part of the closing statement offered by David Cameron, the leader of Britain's Conservative Party at last week's final debate before this Thursday's election. And after a rocky campaign start, Cameron now leads in the polls and may well become the next prime minister...


FAP Party Leader Tyler Wilson said...

Though it seems that going more right wing would help Republicans get votes in the U.S. elections, I think this may have the opposite effect. When a current House majority is predicted to lose because constituents are not happy, that does not require candidates to adopt more extreme views, this will lose votes from more moderate voters and also adopting more extreme views will not benefit a majority of the population. We, the FAP believe that candidates should stick to their guns and do what's best to benefit the country.

Garrett Teets, policy chief, PFP said...

this was my mistake, I should have posted my name under PFP, not FAP