Thursday, May 13, 2010

PFP Holds Rally at Wayne

The Franklin Times-

The PFP traveled to Wayne to try to win some of the, ever important, moderate voters' support. During this rally, the PFP chose to outline three main points.

The event kicked off with party leader David Brownfield describing the party's foreign and immigration policies. Once again Brownfield voiced his strong support for protecting liberty. He also revisited ideas of commitment to border control and deportation.

The headliner topic of the rally this time was Health care. Party members addressed this issue, that is no doubt important to everyone, because there is no one to which it doesn't apply. Although the party does not support universal health care, stating they would rather make health care an individual choice, they do plan to offer incentives to companies that extent their coverage. Brownfield promised that, "tax deductions will be given to companies that will more easily accept people with pre-existing conditions to hopefully give everyone the opportunity to have easy access to health care."

There is no guarantee yet that this rally will win over moderate voters in the state of Wayne. But one thing is for sure, if the PFP wants any chance of winning a significant amount of seats, they must appeal to the moderate population as well as the conservatives.

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