Thursday, May 13, 2010

Just a Great Ad

Listen to Election Kitty. She won't steer you wrong.


FAP Party Leade Tyler Wilson said...

Being forced forced to do something? Having your rights taken away? Is Emily Mobley of the PLP holding this gun?

PFP Deputy Party Leader Robby Gehring said...

The right to vote is just that a right. You shouldnt have a gun held to your head or anyones head forcing you to vote.Is Emily the strong anti gun proponent holding this gun?

Emily Mobley-PLP Party Leader said...

The PLP believes strongly in Civil rights for all people. We find it hypocritical of the FAP party leadership to claim that they believe strongly in civil rights, and yet deny rights to those people who do not agree with their point of view, such as homosexual people and women who wish to get an abortion. Furthermore, I am appaled by this attack on my party. This ad was obviously meant to be comical and not be taken seriously, and to compare my party to the man holding the gun in this photo is ridiculous.

Kayla Hurt said...

The CRP believes that every citizen is entitled to their civil rights. No citizen should be forced to vote a certain way and/or for a certain person. Each citizen has the right and/or choice to choose which candidate they wish to support and no one can force them to vote a different way by holding a gun to thier head.