Thursday, May 13, 2010

Prime Minister Chaffins Endorses

At a massive rally in Wayne, LAP Leader Kyle Kennedy surprised a 30,000 strong crowd of supporters with the announcement of a critical electoral endorsement.

After a short stump speech highlighting his parties economic, education, and energy policies Kennedy announced his party's plans for a massive turnout drive over the weekend. Then with music blasting Kennedy introduced Prime Minister Chaffins.

Chaffins then spoke of the LAP's promise and complemented Kennedy's policy stances. The Prime Minister then stated his full and unconditional endorsement of the Librocrat Alliance Party. In his remarks, the Prime Minister also dedicated his dissolving TPP's resources to the LAP's electoral effort. The TPP ran a highly successful campaign and voter turnout effort in the 2009 elections which led to the greatest electoral victory in FSA history.

"It is clear to me and the TPP leadership that this nation is at a crossroads. On that we agree with FAP Leader Wilson. Yet, we fundamentally disagree with the direction FAP offers the country. To choose FAP or the other conservative reactionaries would set this nation back. I urge those voters who showed faith in my 2009 message to stay true to the promise. Vote for equality, sensible foreign policies, and for progress! Join us in the struggle to defeat the conservative agenda which promises only recycled ideas that have failed us in the past."

The endorsement by Chaffins should not strike many by surprise. It was unlikely for the Prime Minister to stay silent in the 2010 campaign and he chose a party that fundamentally agrees with him on the issues.

Yet, while not unsurprising, the endorsement could prove powerful. TPP's party machine could prove to be a powerful ally.


FAP Party Leader Tyler Wilson said...

The TPP is one of th main reasons why te nation is in such a mess. The economic crisis isa result of the TPP's lack of funding discipline. The FAP urgs voters to stray from the past government that has put us in these troubles and vote for a new age. An age of the people's power, not the governments. The LAP's policy is quite similar to that of the TPP's poliy, so would it be the right choice to vote in anothr disaster? The FAP does not believe so. A conservative agenda will bring the power to the states, not a power hungry leader lie Mr KEnnedy or Ms.Mobley. Vote FAP.

Arnie Banawa said...

Tell me this. How does trying to promote equality and sensible foreign policies lead to power hungry leaders such as Mr. Kennedy and Ms. Mobley? How does being involved in every country's affairs not make you power hungry? You say you want to be maintain and expand our nation's reputation as a world superpower? Is that not increasing your own power? You say "By the people, for the people. A vote to bring the nations together." What's for the people? How does war bring nations together?