Monday, May 10, 2010

It's Debate Season!

FAP and PLP are encouraged to show for the 2010 Franklin States Debate on May, 12 2010 at 2:40 p.m.

Please sign up to attend by commenting. (RSVP) Other party leaders/members are encouraged to attend and view the debate.

LAP and TUPP are invited to participate in the 2010 Franklin States Debate on May, 13 2010 at 2:40 p.m. and CRP and PFP are encouraged to be there after for their debate.

If the time and date are inconvenient please contact one of the TRIO media members: Emily, Jacob, or Sam at Also feel free to submit any questions you have that you would like the media to ask the party leaders in their debate session.

Interest groups that will be in attendance include: EPC, CLC, and the FCC.

-Trio Media Announcement


FAP Party Leader Tyler Wilson said...

The FAP will attend the debate and encourage the other parties to attend as well.

TUPP said...

TUPP will be happy to attend this friendly debate.

David Brownfield said...

The PFP will be attending the debate, and will happily take part.

Emily Mobley- PLP Party Leader said...

The PLP will attend this debate, and will be happy to debate the FAP leadership

PFP said...

The PFP will be glad to attend this debate.

Garrett teets said...

Several questions to consider asking...

1. How will the party handle the war on terror if it should gain power? Will the FSA act independently of the U.S. or will we follow their lead?

2. What is the envirometal policy of your party? please be as deatiled as possible.

3. What is your position on immigration reform? what is your position concerning the bill recently passed in Arizona concerning this topic.