Saturday, May 8, 2010

The Trials and Tribulations of Coalitions

The Franklin Times -

As the British election results are finalized it appears no single party will emerge with a majority of the seats in Parliament.  This fact has led the parties to scamble to form a viable governing coalition.  How is this process proceeding?  Please read below for our country may soon face a similar situation.

Clegg meets Cameron on power deal

Election 2010: Hung parliament is a 'numbers game'

'There is an alternative'

1 comment:

FAP Party Leader Tyler Wilson said...

The FAP believes the Liberal party should form a coalition with the Conservative party. This is the best option because the Conservative party received plurality, which shows the greatest amount of support of the UK lies in the Conservative party. If the Liberal party decides to join the Conservatives in a coalition, this will benefit the people because a larger amount of constituents would be represented by this coalition, if the two parties vote as a coalition, if not, policy will become difficult to become passed. The FAP does not believe that the Labour and the Liberal parties should join because the Labour party has been in power the past thirteen years and the UK is calling for reform. The fact that a poll showed 2/3 of people want the Laobur party to admit defeat should be enough reason to know you're defeated.