Wednesday, May 12, 2010

PFP Rally in West

The Franklin Times -

The Party for the People held a rally in the border crossroads of Gerke, Hampton, and Hunter this afternoon. Speaking before the crowd, Party Leader Brownfield highlighted his party's foreign policy agenda.

Declaring "Liberty is the most important virtue in the world today and something that must be defended at all costs," Brownfield laid out his party's central principles and tenets in the realm of foreign relations. Brownfield went on to chronicle the extreme importance of the Franklin-US relationship and his party's firm commitment to support the United States in all of its struggles.

Brownfield also addressed his party's tax stances and policies. Promising tax reductions and cuts to all, Brownfield made a firm commitment to ending the government's present "high taxation" and to returning money to the "people's hands".

The rally's speakers also addressed the issue of illegal immigration. A number of PFP speakers addressed the need for greater border security and a firm commitment to deportation.

The rally was met by a small group of counter-protesters calling Brownfield a hypocrite in his commitment to liberty. Many of these pro-gay marriage demonstrators carried signs reading "What about my liberty?" and "Liberty for all?"

It is clear that the PFP is attempting to compete with the FAP in the western regions of the country, the heart of conservative thought in Franklin. If the PFP hopes to rescue its floundering electoral chances it is clear the party must do well here.

1 comment:

Emily Mobley-PLP Party Leader said...

The PLP believes in full liberty for all people. This includes gay citizens, and the PLP fully supports gay marriages in the FSA. The PLP finds it very hyopcritical of the PFP to say that they support liberty for all people, and yet deny gay people the right to marry.