Wednesday, May 12, 2010

FAP Picks Up Endorsement

The Franklin Times -

Franklinites for a Conservative Change (FCC) announced this afternoon that their national council has voted to fully endorse the Franklin Alliance Party (FAP) for the 2010 General Assembly Elections.

In a formal press conference FCC President John Irons stated his group's belief that the FAP fully represents the conservative cause and is clearly the conservative party best positioned to win. "We highly encourage our members to support FAP in the upcoming election. With our assistance the FAP can begin to restore fiscal sanity to our government and check the expansive role the national government has taken since the election of Prime Minister Chaffins."

The FCC endorsement should benefit the FAP within the block of conservative voters. It remains to be seen if the FAP and its leader can continue to navigate the uneasy waters between their natural conservative base and moderate voters necessary for electoral victory.

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