Sunday, May 9, 2010

TUPP Releases Ad; Attacks PLP and LAP as being soft on terror


FAP Party Leader Tyler Wilson said...

The FAP, like the TUPP, supports military action against terror. We believe this to be a vital step towards peace among nations. How can we safely at home knowing there's countries in trouble?

Kyle Kennedy. Leader of the LAP said...

Although we wish to remain neutral, with recent terror scares in the United States, we will increase security drastically. We do not have to enter war to stop terrorism. We can keep the citizens of our nation safe by increasing our security and learning from the mistakes of the past. The war has grown increasingly unpopular in the United States; so increasing our security while we remain neutral is the best option. According to, over half of the United States think that going to war with Iraq was a mistake and only 39 percent think it was the right choice. Yes, what happened on 11/11 was horrid and a travesty, but more lives do not have to be lost to keep the great people of the Franklin States of America safe.

Kyle Kennedy. Leader of the LAP said...

We may wish to remain neutral on the idea of going to war, this does not mean we are neutral on the idea of terrorism. We are strongly against terrorism in all shapes and forms, but we do no not think that risking more lives in a war is the right answer to stopping terrorism. Keeping FSA safe can be done peacefully, by securing FSA from terror attacks.

Emily Mobley- PLP Party Leader said...

The PLP agrees with the LAP on the issue of terrorism. War may not be the solution in this situation, and the FSA should be pulling back from the War on Terror begun by the United States. However, increasing the security of our nation is of the utmost importance in these frightening times. Since the recent terror scares in the United States hit so close to home, we as a nation need to focus hard on keeping our own borders safe and ensuring that nothing of this sort happens in he F.S.A.

Anonymous said...

How does War bring about Peace?

Garrett Teets, policy chief, PFP said...

Increases in security no matter how drastic have no hope of keeping the FSA safe from terrorist. While of course peace remains our ultimate goal, religious extremist have no desire to make peace with either the U.S. or the F.S.A. A first strike is our only real defense, to keep or people safe we must take the war to where they live, not permit them to bring it here.