Sunday, May 16, 2010

"The True Believers.." A Very Civil Debate.

The Franklin Times-

Mr. Wilson and Miss. Mobley went neck to neck in the 2010 Franklin States debate. Both candidates made excellent points against each other, but did it in a civil respectable manner.

It's humorous how the two top candidates this year can be so well mannered towards each other in a debate. We expected differently.

After the countless attempts from the FAP to bring down the PLP's education policy, surprisingly the PLP hasn't attacked any party (including the FAP) on be hath of their policies. The PLP has defended them-selves, supported their own policies, while minding their own business.

Is the PLP too nice to lead the country? Will they not act against war and attacks from other countries because the PLP is currently not attacking any parties? Not exactly...

If the PLP keeps up with civil rights, and keeps their "Strength in Diversity" motto...there will likely be close ties with all nations who represent different races. Who would want to attack such a fair and pleasant leader anyway?

The FAP on the other hand has also done well. The FAP leader, Tyler Wilson, has kept up with most events and has posted many ads. The only concern we ask is why have all of these ads been negative? Does Mr. Wilson just want a fight? It is one thing to protect a country and another to lead a country into war. With all of these negative attack adds on the other parties, it is had to trust the FAP to lead the Franklin States positively and keep the people from harm.

In Conclusion, the debate was very successful, and we hope the best for both the PLP and the FAP. We wish them both the best of luck in the up-coming election.


FAP Party Leader Tyler Wilson said...

The FAP Thanks Ms. Shelton for her wishing us luck in the election. But, the FAP would like to answer to her suggestions of us being to worried on "attacking". The FAP has created four ads, two of which were negative. This is not all like Ms. Shelton stated. The FAP does not believe these to be attack ads, but rather warning ads. We believe the people of the FSA have the right to know what truth lies behind the PLP and LAP's sweetened words.
Thank you,
Tyler Wilson

TUPP said...

there's a new video, check animoto. it was finished at ninish