Saturday, May 8, 2010

Major Endorsement Announced

The Franklin Times -

At a rally today in Conover, the PLP revealed a major endorsement that may impact the race to control the General Assembly. After being introduced by her Party Spokesman, PLP Leader Mobley took the stage in Wayne’s capital. Mobley’s message was clear and direct. She called for a government of reform. Pointing to the economic crisis gripping the country, Mobley highlighted her party's plans to reform the education, energy, and economic systems.

Then to highlight her party's economic message she made the surprise introduction of National Workers Union President Doug Miller. Miller then took the podium and announced that his organization, the largest labor union in Franklin, was formally endorsing the PLP in the upcoming elections. Miller explained that the PLP was committed to the working and middle classes.

He added, "The PLP is the best representative in this race to represent the interests of middle class Franklin. Their policies will maintain jobs here while preserving our nation's ability to compete in the global economy. The NWU's membership fully supports this party and will actively work for its electoral victory."

The NWU endorsement will only add to the organizational strength the PLP has built. In the past two General Assembly elections, organized labor was very efficient at turning out its membership for their political allies.


FAP Party Leader Tyler Wilson said...

The FAP will be holding rallies soon and urge voters not to decide so quickly who they will be voting for. The FAP believes it's plan will be both effective and a reflection of what the people want.

taylor Estes PLP said...

The PLP wants to thank the NWU organization for endorsing our party. We are honored to have such firm support before the election rolls around. Thank you!