Wednesday, May 5, 2010

The Immigration Controvery Hits the Franklin States of America

The Franklin Times-

The state of Hampton is becoming a topic of controversy here in the Franklin States of America. Just recently, a bill was introduced involving immigration. This bill gives one a feeling of intense familiarity. Perhaps this is because it is very similar to Arizona's bill that is causing so much heated debate in the United States.

Hampton has always had an abundance of immigrants. This is partly because of its southern border with the United States - Many Latinos travel through the U.S. to our borders - and partly because of its rich agricultural economy. Many Latinos come to Hampton in search of jobs, and many places are willing to hire them because they work at extremely cheap rates.

The proposed bill takes steps to try to control the number of illegal immigrants. The bill says that immigrants must constantly carry registration documents so they have proof on hand in case they are questioned by law enforcement officials. If an official has someone stopped to look into another crime, they must ask that person (if the official has reason to suspect they are an illegal immigrant) for his/her registration. And if that person fails to produce sufficient documentation, he/she will be arrested.

The questions that arise in this debate are numerous and both sides have valid points to consider. Is this racial profiling? Does the bill plan to go too far? Is this what is necessary to control immigration? Is immigration really that big of a problem or does it help us more than hurt us? One thing is for sure, there are definitely many things for our brains to mull over.


Savannah said...

The LAP is aware of the new bill that has been proposed in the city of Hampton. We realize that at this time, with given circumstances in other places, that immigration is one of the key topics in the upcoming election. The LAP agrees that the new laws requiring id for anyone who looks "suspicious" of being illegal is racial profiling- which is illegal.
Yes the LAP does thinnk that immigration laws need to be put into place but not to the point that you are asking someone for thier papers just because they look hispanic, or even said hola.

The LAP designed a policy in which immigrants who will be here more than 3 months need to become US citizens. The stipulations on how to become will be more relaxed than recent policy. Immigrants can work to obtain theier citizenship as soon as they come here, not have to wait nine years like our current policy. We plan to give citzens a test ( which will be in english, if you come to america then you should be able to learn basic english) and other procedures to become citzens. We also feel that citizens who are here for shorter periods than 3 months do not need to obtain citzenship that a simple card "such as a temporary visa" would do, so that laws, such as the ones now forming in the Alabama city, could not send back or treat cruelly thousands and thousands of innocent immigrants. THe LAP believes that the Franklin States need to be diverse, different races and backgrounds help aid that.

FAP Party Leader Tyler Wilson said...

The FAP is in support of the bill introduced to the state of Hampton. The bill is similar to the Arizona bill in the U.S., except for one key part; if the official is stopping the person to look into another crime, then they're allowed to ask to see proof of citizenry is reasonable suspicion is necessary. This part of the bill helps to fight accusations of this bill causing profiling. If the officer is looking into another crime, he has the right to ask for proof of citizenry. This will help beat accusations of profiling because the officers will not be approaching people at random, but people in suspicion of another crime.

Jordan Alcorn said...

The CRP dose not agree with what the state of Hampton is doing just like we do not agree with the similar Arizona law. It sounds like this law will go to far and that it will eventually lead to racial profiling. this is not needed to control immigration what is needed is a national law that applies to all of the states. And during this time in the Franklin States of America immigration is hurting us and needs to be dealt with just not in the way the state of Hampton is going about it.

David Brownfield said...

The PFP will support the proposed bill in the state of Hampton, if the bill is rewritten to show proof of suspicious activity of the people being questioned of illegal activity. If it is mandatory for an officer to obtain visual evidence of suspicious activity, then it is no longer considered "racial profiling" for an officer to pull them over.

TUPP said...

TUPP believes that Hampton's bill had the right intent but if it is like Arizona's law it may not be executed in the best way. If the bill is like Arizona's we believe it brings up the issue of racial profiling which we do not agree with. Legal immigrants should not be questioned because they have received their citizenship. TUPP believes that something needs to be done about illegal immigrants. TUPP will try our best to keep this matter under control.