Monday, May 3, 2010

Greed, negligence behind BP oil spill

By Donna Brazile, CNN Contributor

May 3, 2010 5:19 p.m. EDT

(CNN) -- I spent a restless night, worrying that another man-made disaster might devastate my beloved hometown, New Orleans, just as its post-Katrina motto "Recover, Rebuild, Rebirth" was becoming real...


FAP Party Leader Tyler Wilson said...

The FAP agrees that the oils spill disaster is a result of negligence, but not entirely greed. The FAP believes the fault solely lies with BP. We believe their lack of responsibility led to this disaster. But, seeing as the size of the disaster is out of their hands, federal help is a must. We also believe, even though other companies like Halliburton and Transocean were not the the immediate reason why this disaster happened, that they should be investigated to ensure they are not selling faulty products.

shannon miller said...

The PFP plans on appropriating funds to the recent oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. The PFP has currently not established a set funding but we will be sure to keep the people posted.

Emily Mobley, PLP party leader said...

The PLP believes that the FSA should do all that it can to help the Untied States in their time of need. This is not only an economic issue for the U.S., but it is also an environmental issue. The oil spill is threatening protected wetlands, as well as many sea creatures in the Gulf. While we do agree that BP should take the balme for their negligence when it comes to their oil rigs, help should be given to them in the process of stopping this oil leak and and cleaning up the spill.

TUPP said...

The oil spill is a tragedy, not only to the U.S. but to the world, for the environmental effects will be devastating and long lasting. BP should take full responsibility for their actions or lack thereof and do everything in their power to help clean up there mess. TUPP believes that FSA should help the U.S. financially and physically clean up the oil spill.

shannon miller said...

The PFP is contributing 5 million dollars to help with the restoration efforts of the recent oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.