Monday, May 10, 2010

Conservatives Rally in Schenck

The Franklin Times -

In an attempt to match the organizational power of the PLP, the FAP held a massive rally in the classically swing state of Schenck.  At the Royal Park in St. Paul, Party Leader Tyler Wilson spoke to a crowd which city officials estimated to be 25,000 strong. 

Speaking in his home state, Wilson promoted what he called a "new direction" for the country.  Promising to continue the war on terror and to promote the ideals of limited government, Wilson laid out a clear conservative agenda.

"Fellow citizens of Schenck, tonight I address you in a common appeal to reason.  Government has grown too large over the past year and it is time for new direction and new leadership," explained Wilson.  He added, "The FAP represents the only viable conservative voice in this election.  Only this party can deliver on the conservative principles that have made this nation great."

The rally's turnout was impressive and showcases a growing FAP state organization.  As the past elections have shown, parties who are organized at the grassroots level tend to perform better on election day. 

The decision to hold the rally in Schenck is a deliberate but unsurprising one.  Wilson has deep roots in the state serving in local and state-wide elected offices for years.  A push here and in like-minded moderate states could prove to be the secret for electoral victory. 

The FAP is already showing itself to be the dominant political force in the western states with little competition from the right in this traditionally conservative area.  "The other conservative parties simply are not competing in the west giving the FAP a free ride to potentially rack up large margins in these states," commented Eric Cantor, Political Science Professor that the National University.


FAP Party Leader Tyler Wilson said...

I, Tyler Wilson, enjoyed seeing my fellow citizens gather to show support of national change. I recognized the faces of many constituents I have served in the past. The crowd was phenomenal and I look forward to returning there to vote in the 2010 election.

Garrett Teets, policy chief,PFP said...

The FAP is hardly the only viable Conservative party, as Party leader Wilson so bodly stated. The PFP finds his arrogance offensive. Party for the people officials are campaighning equally hard in several states where we believe a large conservative turnout to be possible. The FAP has also left one vital issue of the coming election curiosly untouched. What are the Views of the FAP concerning the enviroment? The PFP, while embracing the traditonal values of our great nation, also recognizes the need to perserve and protect the enviroment. The PFP is prepared to offer tax breaks to automobile manufacturers that meet specific standards for their vehicles, as well as similar benefeits to corporations that develop biodegradable products and find cleaner more efficent ways to run their business. Is the FAP prepared to take similar steps to protect the ecology, aquifers, and animal habitats of the FSA?

FAP Party Leader Tyler Wilson said...

The FAP does have an environmental policy, regardless of what they uninformed policy leader of the PFP has stated. To view these polices, visit our website: