Sunday, March 1, 2009

A War on Education?

Franklin Times
Letter to the Editor

The global meltdown is upon us. Economies here at home and across the globe are faltering and shrinking. The U.S. economy is reported to have shrunk 6.2 % in the fourth quarter of 2008 and numbers coming out this week for our nation are expected to show similar results. There can be no doubt that our economy, like that of our neighbors, is headed in the wrong direction.

Time can be spent pointing fingers later, but now we must no longer ignore an issue that has for too long been neglected. Since the absolute monarch fell three years ago we have witnessed a great democratic transition. Yet, we have also seen two consecutive democratically elected governments fail to address the issues facing education today.

Through two election cycles parties have promised veiled promises wrapped in empty rhetoric on the education issue. Furthermore, in the past two governments little effort has been made to confront the problems facing our nation's educational system.

Now with our nation facing a crippling economic contraction, the fear has grown that education will once again move to the back-burner. I assert that this would be a fatal mistake. The road out of our economic crisis and the foundation of any long-term recovery rests in the creation and promotion of a sound educational system.

The economy of fifty years ago no longer exists. Our world is more interconnected then ever before, and as a result we must adjust. To be competitive in this new global environment an educated work force is a necessity.

The need for help will also become more acute if this crisis continues. As tax revenue falls, funding for public services (like education) will surely fall too; as states are forced to cut back. The future government must not let this happen. To cut funding in education is to sacrifice the future opportunities for our children.

The members I represent are looking for real solutions and answers as to how the educational system will be run by future governments. We are looking for honest and clear policies and look forward to seeing them in the coming days.

Lauren McDonald
The National Teachers Rally President
Franklin Workers Alliance Co-Chair


Anonymous said...

The MCFARLAND party is all about taking care of the people. With that said education is something that we have been looking at. The future citizens of Franklin States of America are very important to us. Policies on education and other situations will be coming soon. Please stay patient with us, and keep supporting us. Every little bit is helpful.

Anonymous said...

The MP feels that education is the backbone to a society. A strong education is needed to ensure the progress of a productive society. The citizens of the Franklin States need not worry about the education of its young people. The MP plans to use the funds that are currently being used in Iraq to pay for the Franklin States public programs, such as education and social security. Education is a top priority of the MP, and it will fight for the needs of its citizens, and we feel education is a need for the Franklin States.

Anonymous said...

With the passage of a stimulus package, the TPP may be able to help you with your problem Lauren. If we have no money to spend, then we cannot continue the current level of funding for education. We can only cut so many programs in order to better fund our school systems. This is one of the reasons a stimulus package is vital. This is something you must stress to the current government and future government alike. Education will be one of many of our top priorities, including tax cuts and the investment into alternative fuel. Although with the package we may not be able to spend more on school systems, we will make it a top priority to maintain all school systems. We, of the TPP, just ask that the school systems spend their money wisely now and in the future as well.

Anonymous said...

The ReaganKnights believe that the education of our children is of the utmost importance. We will not be able to keep up with the rest of the world if we continue to fall behind in the realm of education. Our education policy is simple and clear. Visit our webpage to see it.

Anonymous said...

The children of the FSA need to be educated, because they are the children of the future. Who will lead our government in twenty years if those in school now do not get the education required to succeed?

The Fanatical Party wishes to assure the Franklinites that their children will have a good education. While some may see good education differently from others, know that children across the nation will be receiving the best. National test and funding will be critical, with each school, district, and state getting the same amount of money to ensure that everyone is provided for equally and adequately. We have hope for our children, along with a plan to see them through.

Taylor Jeromos, Fanatical Party Leader and Spokesperson, to the citizens of the FSA