Saturday, March 14, 2009

Wallup Poll 3/13/09

Wallup Poll for 3/13/09

If the election were held today, which party would you support?

TPP - 25%
FP - 23%
RKP - 23%
MP - 12%
MDP - 6%
Don't Know - 11%

Analysis - Our most recent poll shows a tightening race. The TPP's early momentum has recently stalled and the party is now seeing serious competition for its lead in the polls. The TPP has not only stalled but is seeing its support down slightly from the last poll (27% to 25%). It appears the TPP is hurt by a number of factors. First, the RKP, which still has received no direct competition for right-of-center voters, is beginning to consolidate that demographic. This has resulted in a strengthening of their support. On the other end, the FP has organized a serious and direct effort to woo the left-of-center voters. It becomes clear from our poll, that the FP is doing extraordinary well with women and those voters identifying themselves as "liberals." Furthermore, the FP has built a 20% point lead amongst "wealthy liberal" (those voters earning over $250,000) voters. This is an interesting development due to the fact that these voters are very likely to vote. These voters seem drawn to the party's strong positions on the education and the environment. The MP has also experienced some growing support, but voters still remain confused as to the party's overall governing philosophy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Perhaps TPP is struggling because there isn't a lot of substance to their message. The promise of change is an easy one to make but a hard one to follow through on.
It's interesting that the FP building up such strong support with people making over $250,000 a year. It's interesting because this is the same group they want to tax to death in order to fund their bloated government programs.