Saturday, March 21, 2009

Wallup Announcements

The Wallup Polling Corp. is proud to announce that in conjunction with the National Election Commission the Wallup Daily Tracking Poll will be published daily on the NEC's website. To access up-to-date polling results and graphics please follow the link below. Once the link connects please select the Wallup Tracking Poll link on the page.

Wallup Tracking Poll for 3/21/09:

If the election were held today, which party would you support?

TPP: 32%
FP: 26%
RKP: 25%
MP: 7%
MDP: 6%
Don't Know/No Opinion: 4%


What a difference a week can make. While the FP and RKP appear to have stabilized their support and attracted a faithful following, the TPP has stopped its slide and appears to be once again picking up centralist voters. Also of note is the shrinking of the undecided voter numbers. With only four percent of voters indicating no preference the pool of uncommitted voters is shallow. This means that if parties are to gain in support they will have to begin to peel off their rivals' supporters. This is a more difficult task and will require message contrasts and perhaps negative ads. The problem seems especially difficult for the MP and MDP. These parties are trailing badly in the polls and few voters express confidence in their ability to lead. On the critical issue of competence, the TPP leads. Forty-one percent of respondents consider TPP Leader Blake Chaffins to be the most competent. He leads FP Leader Jeromos (30%) and RKP Leader Dillon (29%).

With the first debate on Tuesday, the upcoming week may prove critical. The televised debate offers the parties a perfect venue to challenge their rivals and shape the their image in the voters' minds.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you all for supporting the TPP. Look forward to seeing a great debate on Tuesday. Thank you all once again for you support.

Blake Chaffins
Party Leader, Family Man, and Policy Chief