Sunday, March 1, 2009

Wallup Poll 3/1/09

Wallup poll 3/1/09

If the election were held today, which party would you support?

TPP - 21%
RKP - 15%
FP - 8%
MAD - 7%
MP - 7%
Don't Know/No Opinion - 42%

The TPP is clearly benefiting from early organizational and campaign investments. These early moves have resulted in higher name recognition amongst the voting population and positive news coverage. The RKP appears to be consolidating a conservative base through its appeals to conservative economic philosophy and has benefited from no direct challenge on the right. The FP, MAD, and MP find growing support but as of this point are behind. What remains unclear is if any party will compete for the center-right voting bloc with the RKP or if the TPP will be forced to move to the far left or toward the center as it tries to crowd out the FP, MAD, or MP. These undetermined outcomes will depend on the strategy adopted by all five parties and how each responds to the others in the coming weeks. Also, as social policies develop the political landscape could change dramatically. There also remains a huge undecided bloc of voters who simply have not seen or heard enough to make a commitment. This creates a fertile electoral field for any party to target.


Anonymous said...

The MCFARLAND party would like to thank the seven percent of voters that are supporting us. We will be developing polices and hopefully will be gaining more supporters. Hang in there we will not give up we will fight till then end.

Anonymous said...

The TPP gives thanks to all supporters keeping a firm trust in our policies. To all undecided voters: the TPP will be making big changes and putting forth a larger effort as early as Monday. Thank you, once again, to all supporters and soon-to-be followers alike.

Anonymous said...

Wait until the ReaganKnights begin to spend our $60 million. To our wonderful conservative base, thanks for your support. To the undecided voters: Wait until you see our tax policy. I think you'll be satisfied.

Anonymous said...

Fanatical Party supporters-we see your push for change and innovation. You are passionate people, and we continually thank you. There will be many more opportunities for you to participate (and perhaps even get your fellow citizens to participate) at later political rallies. Don’t forget that we will be opening headquarters in every state. The Fanatical Party is always looking for volunteers, and we wish to assure them that we appreciate their efforts more than they will ever know!

Taylor Jeromos, Fanatical Party Leader and Spokesperson, to the citizens of the FSA