Saturday, March 7, 2009

Environmental Convention

The Franklin Times -

The Environmental Protection Council (EPC), one of the certified interest groups, has announced its 3rd Annual National Convention will be held March 12th through the 15th. It is inviting representatives from the five political parties to speak at its convention. Any party interested in speaking is to reply by March 10th and post a speech to the "Campaign Events" page on the election wiki by March 12th.

"We hope all the parties will attend and inform our members of their plans to protect and defend our precious environment," said Eric Greene, President of EPC.


Anonymous said...

Team PAPI accepts the EPC's invitation to its 3rd Annual Convention. Team PAPI has, as we all know, pushed for clean, alternative fuel sources. Some have even suggested that we may have an "alternative fuel fetish." We hope you enjoy our proposed ideas and plans.

Thank You,

Blake Chaffins and Members of the TPP.

Anonymous said...

The FP will also accept the invitation to the EPC's 3rd Annual National Convention. The FP has consistently supported conservation of our earth’s resources and investments in new green technologies. We feel this is the best way to help our earth and move forward as an environmentally aware industrious country. We hope all will enjoy our speech at the convention.

Thank you,

The Fanatical Party

Megan Webb said...

The MP is delighted to be invited to the 3rd Annual Convention, and will be in attendance. We would like to thank the Convention for giving the MP the opportunity to be represented, and chance to voice our stances on the Enviroment.