Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Massive Rally in Bordeaux

The Franklin Times -

On the steps of the newly opened party headquarters, in Pennyroyal's capital, Bordeaux, TPP Party Leader Chaffins, Deputy Leader Zornes, and Party Spokeswoman Hensley greeted a large crowd of some 15,000. In prepared remarks, the TPP highlighted a legislative agenda that it clearly believes to be a winner. Speaking to the crowd, Chaffins highlighted his party's stimulus plan and quest for alternative energy. It is clear that the TPP views the economy as the winning issue and recent polls appear to bare this out. This has only become more acute as new unemployment figures put the nation's rate at 9.8%. This represents a dramatic jump marked by layoffs in the manufacturing and service industries.

The stop in Bordeaux is no accident, for this is the heart of liberal ideology in Franklin. Long a liberal bastion, Bordeaux and much of the state of Pennyroyal have lent their political support to center-left parties. In the 2008 elections, Pennyroyal voters gave center-left parties 53 of their 68 legislative seats. A play is being made and so far no organization can rival the program being created by the TPP.


Anonymous said...

The TPP gives thanks to all who attended our rally in Bordeuax, Pennyroyal. Expect many more rallies to be held as we come closer to our election. With trust in the TPP, trust in the economy will soon follow. Restabilizing our economy is the TPP's main goal, bar none. Thank you all once again for your support.

Members of the TPP

Anonymous said...

A stimulus plan will not work. Green initiatives will jack up utility bills, taking even more money from consumers. The ReaganKnights are coming back. Just wait.

Anonymous said...

You have stated no reasons to why a stimulus package will not work or cited any specific examples of a stimulus package ever failing. And you have also stated no reason as to why green initiatives will jack up utility prices. You have been watching too many movies Scott, the dead never come back to life. I'm waiting...