Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Mobley Final Legislative Push Fails

The Capital Courier -

Prime Minister Mobley's last legislative effort, a fiscal bill designed to shore up the growing budget deficit, went down in defeat today on the floor of the General Assembly. Losing by two votes, the bill was unable to garner the support of key coalition MPs (members of parliament). When these members' votes were combined with the united votes of the opposition success was impossible.

The legislation looked to remove troops from Iraq and cut pay to public sector employees as means to close the growing budget deficit now projected at over $80 billion. Recent deficit figures have increased as tax revenue has fallen due to the economic recession now gripping the country.

Clearly tired and frustrated by the bills failure, the Prime Minister thanked all who had served in the government in the last year. The bill's defeat marks the official end to the 2nd General Assembly. The Prime Minister and major cabinet ministers will stay in place in a care taking role as elections are held and a new government is chosen. What remains unclear is how current General Assembly members will proceed. Many will be looking to join the new parties and run again. This could shape the electoral outcome along with the biggest wild card still unplayed - a endorsement from the current Prime Minister.


Anonymous said...

As I have said before, now is not the time to reduce this country's deficit. Why could we not reduce the deficit before the economic crisis, when there was more people with more money? Has it been the government's job to completely ignore the chance of an economic meltdown? It seems to me that this may sadly be true.

The deficit is a major problem, but not THE major problem. THE major problem is the economy. Trying to fix the economy while reducing the deficit is not an option and, for that matter, not possible.

Bringing soldiers home from Iraq is also not an option. What jobs will these soldiers have to come home to if our unemployment rate is currently 9.8% and only expected to rise? The answer: none, zip, zero, no jobs. The solution: deploy the soldiers currently stationed in Iraq into Afghanistan.

The TPP has real solutions to real problems. Indulge on our delicious sweets. Vote PAPI or vote FAILURE. Its your choice.

Anonymous said...

We wouldn't have such a deficit if we didn't waste money on useless programs. (A stimulus package will only add to the deficit.)

Anonymous said...

It is a good thing for our country that this bill designed to "shore up the growing budget deficit" was defeated. What the country needs right now is not workers cuts. If the government cuts wages, people will become wary and angry of the government. Because people are already in financial crisis, they are saving their money and getting by as best they can. If the FSA Government is looking for future cooperation from their citizens, best keep them on a steady and normal payroll.

Taylor Jeromos, Fanatical Party Leader and Spokesperson, to the citizens of the FSA

Anonymous said...

I agree that money has been wasted, but either way, cutting programs will only increase our country's current 9.8% unemployment rate. And as I clearly stated, I realize that a stimulus package will increase our deficit, but our deficit is not and should not be the biggest concern with the current state of our economy.