Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Civil Liberties Council Endorses

The Franklin Times -

The Civil Liberties Council (CLC), a national organization dedicated to protecting the civil liberties and rights of all citizens and that monitors governmental intrusion into citizen's "zones" of privacy, issued a public announcement indicating their choice in the upcoming election.

"As the issues of civil liberties have developed in party platforms and in today's debate, it becomes clear that our organization needs to send a firm and direct signal. Our civil liberties will be limited by some and protected by others. Ladies and gentlemen of the Franklin States, this election matters. For too long we have allowed our governments to limit our freedoms. Those promising change from tyranny need our consideration and support. On behalf of the 200,000 members of the CLC, I am pleased to announce the endorsement of the FP and TPP for the upcoming General Elections."

"These two parties have shown true concern for the natural rights given to all citizens. They have also demonstrated that they will not dictate to others the "proper" "natural" or "right" way to live. These two parties have shown that they will not govern by their personal beliefs but rather by the law."


Anonymous said...

I am very pleased to receive the CLC's endorsement. I believe that we, with the possible help of the Fanatical Party, can help create new traditions of love and individual rights set by the F.S., rather than by the hypocritical ways of the church.

Anonymous said...

It's interesting that the last line states, "they will not govern by the personal beliefs but rather by law." What law? Don't all people govern by their personal beliefs? Isn't that why people run for office--because they believe that their beliefs are best for the country? This may come as a surprise to some, but values, morals, and principles are an inseperable part of each person. They can't be turned on or off when convienient. The ReaganKnights will not dictate to people how they must live. The RKP doesn't care who people "fall in love with", but when they ask us for certain things like marriage and adoption, we have a decision to make and will base it on what we believe.

Anonymous said...

The Fanatical Party knows that everyone is equal--no matter his or her race, gender, sexual orientation, economic stability, or political ideology. That is why we are thrilled the Civil Liberties Council is endorsing Team PAPI and us in this election. Both parties see that the best way to run the government is through the law. Thank you, and stay Fanatical!

Taylor Jeromos, Fanatical Party Leader and Spokesperson

Anonymous said...

The law that you are referring to, Scott, is the one that deals with all citizens being treated equally. Without the right of gays to marry, this law would be broken. And I will make it an ambition to see that EVERY person is treated equally within the government, not just those who have had all of their rights since the beginning of our constitutional monarchy. Maybe the reason that you do not feel compassion for these citizens is because you do not know and have never felt what it is like to have your rights stripped away from you, Scott. If you have the unprecedented idea that you will rule this country based on your own religious beliefs, you are about to have a very rude awakening, Scott, because I will do everything in my power to prevent it. I thank the CLC once again for their endorsement.

Anonymous said...

I resent the fact that such "tolerant" people have the gall to call the church hypocritical. What is so hypocritical about the church? If you understood its teachings, you would know that your accusation is unfounded. I thought that both of this parties were going to bring a new era of respect and tolerance for the beliefs of others. So you tell me...where does the real hypocrisy lie? As for the sudden infatuation with governing by the "law"...if memory serves, the law does not recognize homosexual marriages.

Anonymous said...

The church is hypocritical, Scott, because it tries to force people into believing their customs/traditions. Do you remember that your beloved church was responsible for the death of so many innocent people accused of withcraft? Are they not the ones who practice "thou who is without sin cast the first stone" Scott? I have no problem with the church's teachings, but when those teachings get involved with the government, I will NOT tolerate it. I have no problem with the opposition to gay marriage, but I will not ban it. If you have a problem with gay marriage, then don't marry another man, practice what you preach, follow your ideas, but do not think that you will force your own religion on the citizens of the Franklin States of America, Scott.

And as for the law that does not recognize homosexual marriage: love, marriage, and any other form of matrimony is a natural law; the government should not and, other the TPP, WILL NOT infringe upon this natural law. So I ask you, Scott, why should you have the right to marry a woman, when another man does not have the right to marry a man? Is this fair? Is this not an unequal representation under law? I will enjoy hearing your response.