Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Wallup Poll 3/18/09

Wallup Poll 3/18/09

If the election were held today, which party would you support?

TPP - 27%
FP - 25%
RKP - 25%
MP - 10%
MDP - 5%
Don't Know/No Opinion - 7%


Anonymous said...

Thankfully, the TPP has gained back its original support and we hope to keep growing upon that support. I am glad to see that many of the Franklin citizens have accepted my apology.

Blake Chaffins, Franklin's Family Man

Anonymous said...

The Fanatical Party is so appreciative of the 25% support rate that we are receiving from the citizens of the FSA. It is instrumental now in this time of economic turmoil that the Franklin States of America has a leader that will guide the government in the direction it needs—and the FP is that party. Stay fanatical!

Taylor Jeromos, Fanatical Party Leader and Spokesperson, to the citizens of the FSA

Anonymous said...

Does anyone really want to follow a party that admits they're "fanatical"? The FP will take everything the people have, and TPP isn't much better. Pick a party that will really lead and fight for the people, not their own selfish agenda. Vote RKP!

Anonymous said...

I am confused about your definition of taking everything the people have. The TPP wants to administer tax cuts which, in my dictionary, is giving back to the people. You have avidly sought to "Do Nothing" for the state of the economy which is, in turn, doing nothing for the people of the F.S. Also, in what way is doing away with corporate tax "giving back to the people"? Is that not "giving back to the companies"? I have provided a clear message that I want to give back to the lower and middle class citizens of the F.S. (which make also make up the majority of the F.S.), but you fail to be able to comprehend such a simple message. Before you start throwing out false accusations, I suggest that you do some research first. If the RKP has failed to comprehend my party's desires, how will they comprehend the desires of the Franklin people? This is not a type of leader that I would personally vote for, as I'm sure the people of the F.S. feel the same.