Saturday, March 28, 2009

Teacher Unions vs. Poor Kids

By Nat Hentoff
Real Clear Politics

The "education president" remained silent when his congressional Democrats essentially killed the Opportunity Scholarship Program (OSP) in the city where he now lives and works.

Of the 1,700 students, starting in kindergarten, in this private-school voucher program, 90 percent are black and 9 percent are Hispanic.

First the House and then the Senate inserted into the $410-billion omnibus spending bill language to eliminate the $7,500 annual scholarships for these poor children after the next school year.

A key executioner in the Senate of the OSP was Sen. Dick Durbin, Illinois Democrat. I have written admiringly of Durbin's concern for human rights abroad. But what about education rights for minority children in the nation's capital?

Andrew J. Coulson, director of the Cato Institute (where I am a senior fellow) supplied the answer when he wrote: "Because they saw it as a threat to their political power, Democrats in Washington appear willing to extinguish the dreams of a few thousand poor kids to protect their political base."

Teachers unions are a major part of that base. Among those demanding that Congress kill the voucher scholarship program was the largest teachers union, the National Education Association.
Two of the kids affected by the action, Sarah and James Parker, attend Washington's prestigious Sidwell Friends School. Their scholarships will end with the next school year. The classmates they'll be leaving will include Sasha and Malia Obama. The Obama children, of course, do not need voucher money to avoid Washington D.C.'s failing and sometimes dangerous public schools.

As New York Times columnist David Brooks noted, the congressional Democrats even refused to grandfather in the kids already in the voucher program, "so those children will be ripped away from their mentors and friends ... ." President Obama, he added, "has, in fact, been shamefully quiet about this."

Doesn't Obama at least have something to say publicly to those children and their parents when his own Secretary of Education Arne Duncan opposed the congressional shutdown of Opportunity Scholarships?

Said Duncan (New York Post, March 6): "I don't think it makes sense to take kids out of a school where they're happy and safe and satisfied and learning. I think those kids need to stay in their school."

Duncan suggests that donors provide financial assistance through graduation to those kids stripped of their Opportunity Scholarships. Perhaps our "education president," from his continuing royalties from the sale of his books such as "The Audacity of Hope," might help out.

One of the recipients of the Opportunity Scholarships, teenager Carlos Battle ( said that in a D.C. public school she'd "have to think more about protecting myself than about learning."

As for the Sidwell Friends School, its headmaster, Bruce Stewart, told the Wall Street Journal that the school has welcomed the OSP students. He said that when parents get more educational choices for their children, their kids and the whole community benefit.

Virginia Walden-Ford, executive director of D.C. Parents for School Choice, offered an excellent suggestion for members of the White House press corps:

"I'd like to see a reporter stand up at one of those nationally televised press conferences and ask President Obama what he thinks about what his own party is doing to keep two innocent kids from attending the same school where he sends his?"

I wish Jay Leno had thought to ask Obama that question.

In a March 2 editorial, the Washington Post -- not a conservative newspaper -- summed up the Congressional Democrats' scholarship shutdown in these words: "It's about politics and the stranglehold the teachers unions have on the Democratic Party. Why else has so much time and effort gone into trying to kill off what, in the grand scheme of government spending, is a tiny program?"

Nat Hentoff is a nationally renowned authority on the First Amendment and the Bill of Rights. He is a member of the Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press, and the libertarian Cato Institute, where he is a senior fellow.


Blake Chaffins, Party Leader said...

The TPP is appalled by the action of the Democratic Party to take away such scholarships, especially in such a poor school district. We must give the education of the F.S. more attention and more funding. We must not just appeal to teachers unions, but also children's educations. Today's children are tomorrow's future, so let's fight for a better future.

Taylor Jeromos-Fanatical Party Leader and Spokesperson said...

The Fanatical Party agrees with Team PAPI. We encourage the Democratic party to step forward and explain their actions in the US. The FP wishes to assure the FSA that we will not deny any student the right to an education due to financial problems.

Taylor Jeromos, Fanatical Party Leader and Spokesperson, to the citizens of the FSA

Scott Trammell said...

This is unbelievable. Of course, the unbelievable is what we've come to expect from Washington. A lot of poor families depended on the voucher program in order to keep their children out of the horrible conditions of Washington public schools. Obama promised change and better education for American children. Now his party has terminated the voucher program, which is actually cheaper than sending all of those children to public schools. Obama promised that children would have the same opportunities that he had to overcome obstacles and succeed. By taking away their only hope for a good education? I don't think so. This proves that he and those of his ideology don't care about the welfare of people, just power.

Blake Chaffins, Party Leader said...

Scott, your idol, Reagan, was the first president to try and disband the Department of Education within the U.S. Only until recently have conservatives supported the Department of Education under George W. Bush, who you have labeled as "not a true conservative" (why, because he supports education?). Every policy you have flip-flops between people within your party and even your own false idol (Reagan that is) except for your "defense policy" which we may as well call your "offense policy" for the fact that you will not defend our country, but attack any other country that blinks wrong at you. Oh, but we won't know about it, not until the end of your term, just like Reagan's Iran Contra which illegally funded terrorists to go fight other terrorists. Such a brilliant idea; that is until they start attacking our allies, which may include the F.S. So, let us hope and pray that your party does not come into office, for you will run this country and its economy straight into the ground.