Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Tax Revenue Projections Revised

Official Statement: Ministry of the Treasury -

Due to current economic pressures, the tax revenue projections have been revised downward. The currently used progressive income tax structure will only generate $80 billion dollars in revenue, instead of the current $120 billion. This severely changes the nation's tax and debt burdens and will have to be figured in any recalculations of tax policy.


Anonymous said...

Tax increases will need to take place within the upper class, while the lower class will receive tax cuts. Plain and simple.

Anonymous said...

If we have to cut taxes, then cut spending. I'm sure there are a few programs we can do without, at least for the time being. Plain and simple.

Anonymous said...

The Fanatical Party wishes to ensure FSA citizens that, if they fall below the $200,000 yearly income level, they will not see their taxes go up. Those above that level will see an increase, because we believe that in order to have a more balanced economy (and country), those making more should contribute more.

Taylor Jeromos, Fanatical Party Leader and Spokesperson, to the citizens of the FSA

Anonymous said...

Your plan of cutting programs would result in the loss of jobs. Where will these people find work? Not so plain and simple now is it?