Thursday, March 5, 2009

Sexism in the Race

The Franklin Times -

Gender issues can be tricky, and this is quickly becoming apparent as the election cycle heats up. Today, the Franklin Organization of Women (FOW) issued a stinging press release demanding an apology from RKP Spokesman Scott Trammell for comments he made yesterday. In a statement to reporters, Trammell had stated, "Women do have the right to choose what happens to their own bodies. If a woman doesn't want a baby, she should give it up for adoption or keep her clothes on. Decisions have consequences. " Trammell had been responding to recent FP criticism of RKP policies. The comment drew instant outrage from the FOW - "Mr. Trammell, as spokesman for one of our nation's political parties, has a responsibility to represent all Franklinites no matter their gender. His comments yesterday reveal a deficiency in this responsibility. We surely hope his comments do not reflect the official views of his party toward women, for they display an utter disregard for women who are violently sexually assaulted. We believe it is appropriate for Mr. Trammell to apologize for his insensitive comments and ask for clarification from his party in regards to gender rights and equality." While the RKP and FOW surely differ in their political views, Trammell's comments could alienate women voters.


Anonymous said...

We of the Fanatical Party fully support the Franklin Organization of Women. Their response to the harsh shameful comments made RKP party leader Scott Trammell was both appropriate and thought-provoking. This administration will have a harsh gender crime policy, and we hope that the FOW will continue on their path to make the world a safer, more hospitable place.

Taylor Jeromos, Fanatical Party Leader and Spokesperson, to the citizens of the FSA

Anonymous said...

Please understand that the comment I made was my own and did not reflect the view of my party. The comment had nothing to do with the fact that the Fanatical Party is led by women, as their party leader has told me. I made the comment referring to women, but rest assured that I feel that way about men as well. My party and I have the highest respect for both women and men. My comment was intended to reflect my belief that two consenting people who do not want to have a baby should not have a sexual relationship and had nothing to do with women who have been sexually assaulted. We do believe that all life has the right to exist, regardless of the manner through which it was conceived. I will apologize for being so blunt in making my statement but will not apologize for where I stand on the issue of abortion, and I hope that both the Fanatical Party and the FOW will accept my apology about the way I chose to phrase my comment.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I disrespected your choice of words Scott, as it has become apparent that we greatly differ in views, but I do respect a man willing to recognize his own faults. I am glad to see that an apology was issued and that you have better clarified your views on abortion. May I ask, to all parties, that we except Scott's apology for his poor choice of words, but not forget them.

Anonymous said...

The McFarland Party fully supports what the FOW is saying. We believe that a lack of word choice took place and that accepting Scott's apology is something that we will do. However we hope that the FOW stays on top of things like this because gender discrimination takes place all the time and we are happy to see that there are organizations out there who care about women.

Megan Webb said...

The MP being a party made up of all women were deeply hurt by the comments made by Mr. Trammel. The MP does appreciate the well thought out formally apology, and does comend Mr. Trammel on his bravery in standing up for his own faults. The MP does fully support the FOW, but is not just looking for support women in this election. The MP is looking to get support from all citizens of the Franklin States, because we are party fighting for all citizens of the Franklin States.