Thursday, March 5, 2009

Rallies in Wayne

The Capital Courier -

Wayne marked the epicenter of the political world today. In less than three hours time the citizens of this state were treated with two political rallies. Both the FP and TPP held events hoping to draw political support in this traditionally swing state. Wayne with is large and diverse population has long favored a moderate political message. However, recently the economic downturn has hit Wayne hard leaving a door open for a party with a strong economic message. It is clear that both the FP, which held a rally for the opening of their state headquarters, and the TPP, which held a rally as part of their nationwide barnstorm, view the state as prime political real estate.


jknipper said...

The MAD party would like to announce that we have also planned three rallies in the state of Wayne. Along with a 4 million dollar headquarters being built. The rally dates are set for March 7th, 21st, and 27th. Thank you for your support.

Anonymous said...

Thank you to all who attended our campaign rally, expect many more to come!

Memebers of Team PAPI

Anonymous said...

The Fanatical party appreciates everyone who attended the rally, and all our volunteers who are currently stationed at our headquarters. Thanks so much—your efforts will be rewarded!

Taylor Jeromos, Fanatical Party Leader and Spokesperson, to the citizens of the FSA