Tuesday, March 17, 2009

NEC Announcements

NEC Newsbreak:

The National Election Commission is pleased to announced that the first nationally televised debate will be held on Tuesday, March 24th. All parties will be invited to participate. The debate, sponsored by the NEC and the Association of Franklin Reporters, will be the first of three. The first debate will focus on the economy and other domestic topics. The debate will be moderated by NEC Chairman J. McFarland and will consist of questions submitted by reporters from the major media outlets. The format will be straightforward. A question will be asked to a specific party and they will have three minutes to respond. After that time, another party may respond and elaborate. They will so be given three minutes. After the question's discussion has been exhausted the moderator will ask another question. The moderator will ask all questions and keep parties to the assigned time limits. Parties will be given one minute for opening and closing statements.

NEC Chairman Note:

Recently, the NEC has been criticized for its running of the upcoming election. It has been stated that the NEC's inability to hold the election on the prescribed date demonstrates lack of planning and organization. While I share parties' frustration with the date change, I do not share their critical evaluation. The NEC is charged with conducting free, fair, and open elections. This can not be achieved if all Franklin voters are not given equal opportunities to vote. The delay in voter machines is no fault of the NEC. However, it would be irresponsible to conduct an election with half the machines necessary. Furthermore, if critics would like a smoother election, I might suggest additional funding for the NEC. The NEC has seen its budget cut as the fiscal crisis worsens. The NEC understands and accepts criticism but also looks for understanding as budget and manufacturing difficulties interfere with the electoral process.

J. McFarland
NEC Chairman


Anonymous said...

I look forward to the upcoming debate with my fellow party leaders. I wish you all the best of luck.

Though the NEC is not responsible for the lack of ready-to-use voting machines, they are responsible for setting the date of the election. The NEC announced the election prematurely and only the they are to blame for this. One of their jobs is to consult each state in order to know when they will be prepared to hold the election, and the NEC failed to do so. The TPP has no problem with providing the NEC more funding, but we fail to see how additional funding can change the NEC's lack of organization. Also, if the TPP were to provide additional funding to the NEC, we would first like to know: how much money, in what way they would spend this money, and how additional funding will improve their struggling organization skills.

Blake Chaffins, Party Leader

Anonymous said...

To all those that criticize Mr. McFarland and the NEC: Get over it. We are lucky we get to vote at all. To the four other parties: The RKP is ready to take you on.

Anonymous said...

We are LUCKY to get to vote at all? Is the F.S. not a constitutional monarchy Scott? It is our RIGHT to vote, NOT a privilege. Neither the NEC Chairman nor the NEC itself can take that away from us. You my sir have a very poor view of voting rights. To the RKP: you may be ready take us on, but are ill epuipped to take on the TPP.