Sunday, March 15, 2009

Deportation Sounds Easy

The Franklin Times -

Like our neighbors, Franklin is a nation of immigrants. Our culture is one shaped by the mingling of dozens of ethnic, racial, and cultural groups. Almost our entire population finds immigrant populations in their ancestry. This fact, however, has not made the immigration issue any easier to address.

Also like our neighbors, Franklin has to define a clear and concise immigration policy. Yet, this may be easier said than done. The reason? Because defining an immigration policy also requires defining our nation's character.

Furthermore, the answer of simple deportation for the "undesirables" as advocated by some, may not be that simple. Consider the current problem facing the United States in the link below.

The Deportation Problem


Anonymous said...

Under the TPP, only those who are convicted felons are to be deported. In order to decrease the number of immigrants who currently hold no citizenship, we propose we make the citizenship test easier and provide translaters for their own language. We want to see the F.S. grow in not only population, to make us a more competitive country, but also in culture, in order to better understand the customs of other countries to better our foreign relations. Convicted felons trying to flee their country is the problem, not immigration.

Anonymous said...

Here is as simple of an immigration policy as you can find. If someone wants to come here, they can come the legal way or not at all. If an illegal alien is caught in this country, that person will be deported. Loweing our standards won't help. It will only make things worse. Immigration isn't a problem, but aliens coming and living here illegally is. We need to crack down on this problem.

Anonymous said...

You must not have read the article attached. The title "Deportation Sounds Easy" must have mislead you to think that deportation really is easy, but it is actually not a simple matter. You complain about my messages having no substance, yet you give no solutions as to how these illegal aliens will be deported? What about refugees from other countries being prosecuted for religious purposes and other matters of the sort, what will become of them? Are they to be tossed aside like a forgotten rag doll?