Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Debate Closing Arguments

The Franklin Times -

The following closing arguments were released by several parties in response to today's debate:

Mr. Chaffins you’re waffling, you seem to never give a straight answer. You say you’re one way then go the other; Mr. Chaffins is stubborn. Mr. Chaffins told us if his plan doesn’t work he is willing to change, but then told us all his plan was right and won’t need to change. The ReaganKnights won’t have that problem our economic policies are right and won’t fail while were in office.
Once again I would personally like to thank the NEC and Association of Franklin Reporters for holding this debate. Also, the FSA for allowing the debate to be held in the capital, and Mr. McFarland for being the moderator. Finally I would like to say thank you for to all party leaders for participating in this debate.

The Fanatical Party wants to assure to FSA that if our economic plan doesn't work, we will listen again to new and different plans, just as we always have. We believe fully in our economic policies, as they are an effort to stabilize the economy, while benefiting all citizens. We would like to again thank the NEC, and our chairman, Mr. McFarland, for this chance to show the FSA what our policies really are. It is a privilege to be invited, and we cannot wait for our next debate. Remember, we are the voice of the people. We will continue to put your ideas and opinions into actions! Stay Fanatical!
Taylor Jeromos, Party Leader and Spokesperson

"The TPP would like to thank everyone who showed up for the debate, as well as the viewers watching at home. I hope that I have better clarified my views and have shown the citizens of F.S. that I am the best candidate to run the Franklin States of America. I am confident in my skills to lead this country out of the economic crisis it is now facing, as well as protect the rights of its citizens. I look forward to the next debate and am excited to see the next topic of discussion. Thank you all once again and may Team PAPI be in your hearts, as you all know that you are in ours." -Blake Chaffins, Party Leader of the TPP

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mr. Dillon:
When you say, "..our economic policies are right and won’t fail while were in office," you have stated nearly same thing I had said in regards to the possible failure of my economic plan. I would also like to know what your so-called "economic plan" is, if your party does not believe in government interefering with the economy? The last time I checked, you party proposes to do nothing, as it has been stated in your "Do Nothing" policy.