Saturday, March 28, 2009

Czech PM cites AC/DC for Obama criticism

Says rock group's song may have inspired his 'road to hell' comment


PRAGUE - The prime minister of the Czech Republic says it could have been his taste for the rock group AC/DC — not his study of economics — that inspired him to describe President Barack Obama's nearly $2 trillion economic plan as "the road to hell."

"Last week, AC/DC played the Czech Republic," Mirek Topolanek told the Lidove Noviny daily newspaper Friday. "And their cult song 'Highway to Hell' may have influenced me to use, in my very improvised speech, 'the road to hell.'"

A week after seeing the Australian band, Topolanek departed from his prepared text in a speech Wednesday before the European Parliament, which included the phrase "the road to destruction" — substituting instead the controversial phrase.

Trying to explain the remarks, his spokesman, Jiri Frantisek Potuznik, said Friday that Topolanek merely meant to warn U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner against taking "permanent action" that would damage the free market.

Topolanek may get a chance to elaborate on what he meant. Obama visits Prague April 4 and 5.
U.S., Europe at odds over recoveryBut the outburst highlighted differences between the U.S. and Europe over the recovery with the 27-nation bloc bristling over from U.S. criticism that it is not spending enough to stimulate demand.

Still, European politicians went into damage control mode, with some reproaching the Czech leader for his language and others reaffirming their good diplomatic ties with the United States.
Topolanek comments Wednesday came a day after he was ousted by his own parliament. The Czech Republic currently holds the six-month rotating EU presidency but its leadership is in question, with Topolanek hanging on to a caretaker government at home after losing a "no confidence" Tuesday.

Europeans leaders hope the new U.S. administration will agree with them on tightening oversight over the global financial system — which they see as crucial to fixing the global economy.

Instead, the United States is focusing its efforts on economic stimulus and plans to spend heavily to try and lift itself out of recession with a $787 billion plan of tax rebates, health and welfare benefits, as well as extra energy and infrastructure spending.


Blake Chaffins, Party Leader said...

The TPP believes that the effort of President Obama will eventually pay off. We disagree with the remarks of Mirek Topolanek and believe that he should issue an apology to President Obama, rather than explain why he made such remarks. The Czech Republic has become a strong American alliance as of late, and it would be sad to see that go down the drain.

Taylor Jeromos-Fanatical Party Leader and Spokesperson said...

Everyone is entitled to their opinion, even though the FP does not agree with how the Czech leader worded his remark. A strong relationship with other countries has always been one of our main policies. And because of that, we believe that the stimulus package passed in America will not only lead them out of economic turmoil, it will help other countries travel on the road to recovery also. So it is best not to judge someone's actions when the future holds brighter things for all.

Taylor Jeromos, Fanatical Party Leader and Spokesperson, to the citizens of the FSA