Thursday, March 26, 2009

Conservatives Rally in Wayne

The Franklin Times -

This afternoon the RKP held a rally in Wayne in an effort to take their appeal to this populous eastern state. Speaking at a meeting of supporters, RKP Leader Tyler Dillon laid out his party's economic and civil rights views.

Dillon focused on Tuesday's debate and used the opportunity to criticize his opponents. Labeling the FP and the TPP as intolerant, Dillon accused his opponents of laying out false hopes and empty rhetoric.

Dillon also promised his supporters small government, a strong military, and a governing philosophy in line with their personal beliefs. The full transcript of Dillon's speech can be accessed on the NEC Campaign Events Page.


Anonymous said...

Intolerant? Really, Mr. Dillon? “Intolerance: lack of toleration; unwillingness or refusal to tolerate or respect contrary opinions or beliefs, persons of different races or backgrounds, etc.”- ( YOU, Mr. Dillon, have a refusal to respect contrary beliefs and opinions. YOU, Mr. Dillon, have opposed gay’s natural right to marriage. And YOU, Mr. Dillon, refuse to see the relationship between two men or two women as love, as you have stated on your website, AND I QUOTE, “We believe that homosexuality is an abuse and manipulation of nature. Simply put, men cannot fall in love with men and women cannot fall in love with women.” Who are YOU to decide whether two men/women can love each other? Who are YOU to dictate whether or not these people can be legally married? You are NO ONE in the light of tolerance, so don’t you dare try to label ME as intolerant.

Also, Mr. Dillon, did you not agree that tax cuts to the lower and middle class must be made? Yes, I believe you did. Is this not contradictory to your flat-rate income tax? Yes, I believe it is. Though you may not punish the upper class, Mr. Dillon, you WILL punish the working class. There is a reason for progressive income tax and the reason is that 10% of a lower class factory worker’s income is more damaging than that of an upper class business owner’s income. Like I said before, the TPP is being smart about how they spend their money. We will not give the upper class any tax cuts because that money will go straight to their bank/savings account, whereas the working class tends to spend those tax cuts (which, believe it or not, is what the economy NEEDS). And yes, I said that I would raise taxes once the economy is stable, but are you not proposing the same right now during an economic CRISIS, Mr. Dillon? Your revenues outweigh your expenditures by nearly two billion dollars. Two billion dollars that could be going to the people, but instead will go to reducing the deficit, since your party obviously cares about nothing except intolerance, war, and the deficit, opposed to the TPP’s main issues of tolerance, alternative fuels, education, and most importantly, the economy. Also, Mr. Dillon, there IS a way to prevent, or at least control, the expansion and contraction of the economy. The Federal Reserve set up by the U.S. government has worked miracles in stabilizing the U.S.’s economy until the recent conservative Alan Greenspan, relying too much on a free market policy, led the economy straight into a fiery crash. So I ask, Mr. Dillon, since you have given no clear, consistent answer as to how we will fix our economy, what IS your plan? Is it still to do nothing? I’m sure that the Franklin people would be THRILLED to hear this. You obviously have no cares in the world. You are lazy and lack interest in the welfare of the people. So please, Mr. Dillon, go throw your lies at another government, the F.S. does not want to hear them.

Anonymous said...

It's interesting that you praise the Federal Reserve for working "miracles". The Fed is driving up inflation at an enormous rate in the U.S. by monetizing the debt and trying to pay for government programs by printing millions of dollars every day. Their "miracles" are making the rest of the world laugh at the U.S. and many countries are considering dropping the dollar as their main trade currency. So you can obviously see that their "miracles" are driving them into the ground.
We thought that you wanted to lower the deficit. Not now...maybe...when you get around to it, after you've piled more and more onto it. Maybe you should work on your math skills too, Mr. Chaffins. It doesn't take an engineer or rocket scientist to realize that our revenues match our expenses perfectly.
Oh, one more thing. We will govern however we want to. We apologize if morality offends you.

Tyler Dillon said...

Excuse me sir but, just because you don't agree with my views doesn't mean I am a liar. You sir have lied to the government and the people by constantly flip flopping around. You stand one day on one side and the next day the other. So, no I’m not a liar; you sir are being completely ridiculous with your actions, and you sir are acting incompetent.

When you write on and on about how I am a liar you make yourself look ridiculous. The citizens and government officials aren’t going to believe the lies you feed them everyday anymore. The Franklin States need a sturdy, well defined leader, and you sir are not it. You change your views constantly to try to make everyone happy; you just can’t do that. You’re supposed to make a well structured government to make the Franklin States as comfortable as possible for all. So, do me a favor the next time you want to write a bunch of gossip save it for yourself.

RKP Party Leader Tyler Dillon

Taylor Jeromos-Fanatical Party Leader and Spokesperson said...

The Fanatical Party would like to state their opinion (though they realize that most things have already been said).

We do not know what you mean by "flip-flopping". Is that defined as standing up for the working class? Thinking in long term goals instead of short term benefits? Knowing that everyone has a right to get married or adopt children? Because, if that is what you mean by "flip-flopping", than you yourself are committing it at this very moment.

We hope, Mr. Dillon, that you see the hypocrisies in your "intolerance" comment. We would like to know how you see intolerance in our policies. Intolerance to whom? The LGBT community? No. The lower and middle class workers? No. Farmers? Educators? No and no. However, it would be best to hold a mirror up to your policies. Your lack of tact has been shown on several occasions in the past, and will continue to be a factor in your governing. The Fanatical Party will do whatever they can to stop you from spreading YOUR intolerance over the whole of the FSA. We do not need a dark cloud over everyone's heads.

Taylor Jeromos, Fanatical Party Leader and Spokesperson, to the citizens of the FSA

Blake Chaffins, Party Leader said...

ACTUALLY, Scott, your revenues outweigh your expenditures by $500 million.

ACTUALLY, Scott, if you were as great of a listener as you are a liar, then you would know that I am NOT seeking to lower the deficit at this time. Only after our economy is stable will I seek to decrease the deficit.

ACTUALLY, Scott, inflation is not always such a bad thing. Inflation brings down the value of the dollar and makes it much easier for people to pay off their debt (rather than file for bankruptcy or foreclosing on a house).

ACTUALLY, Scott, the miracle I was referring to is that the Fed has prevented another disaster of the likes of the Great Depression and has brought control to banks' sometimes berserk loans. It also prevents the speculation that you yourself have opposed.

Obviously it DOES take a rocket scientist to figure out not only your budget, but also what mean or when you are not filling Franklin citizen's minds with lies. So I will do you a favor. I'll play a little game that I like to call: "Let's do simple addition and subtraction!" Sounds fun, right?

Math Check:
RKP Policy Expenditures:
-Ministry of Foreign Affairs = $2 billion
-Royal Armed Forces = $35 billion
-National Security Ministry = $12 billion
-Ministries of Commerce, Agriculture, and Labor = $25 billion
-Unemployment Insurance = $8 billion
-Franklin EPA = $10 billion
-Energy Policy = $10 billion
-Human Rights Commission = $5 billion
-Education = $17.5 billion

Expenditures= $124.5 billion
Revenues= $125 billion

$125 billion - $124.5 billion = $500 million

These figures show that you are indeed proposing to tax the citizens of the F.S. $500 million more than you are proposing to spend. Your budget doesn't seem so perfect anymore. Please hire an engineer to figure your budget next time, for I do not have any more time to prove you wrong; though I do very much enjoy it.