Sunday, March 14, 2010

What's In A Name?

The Nordonia News -
Editorial Board
The old question goes, "what's in a name?" The answer, at least for this election cycle, is nothing. The NEC this afternoon announced the approval of four parties to compete in the upcoming General Assembly elections. Yet, little was revealed about the parties themselves. The four parties have seemingly adopted cryptic names leaving little clue as to where they stand on the major issues facing our nation. The names do not even reveal the ideological views of the parties. We have been given a Party for the People, yet know nothing of the "people" they speak to. We were given a The United People's Party, yet have no clue who they unite. There is a strangely named Franklin Alliance. What is the message here? Liberocrat Alliance? Color me confused. Will substance ever develop?  This board waits with baited breath.


Stefan MAngroo (PPP) said...

The PPP is the Power of the People has a clear meaning to the name. The people voice their opinions. The PPP in return try to make them happy.

Anonymous said...

CRP stands for the Conservative Republican Party. The CRP is the voice of the framers of the Constitution. The United States was made under god, with liberty and justice for all. Each member posesses conservative views on various topics, such as abortion, etc.

Addie Roberts(TUPP) said...

The United People's Party means what it says. We are dedicated to uniting the people under a single party. The past administration was extremely partisan and led to the deep division the General Assembly. If elected, we wish to work together with our opposition in order to create effective policy.

shannon miller said...

The PFP is extremely sorry for any confusion its name may have caused the voters. Party for the People is a conservative party whose goal is to simply please the people and enact policies that satisfies their wants and needs.