Thursday, March 25, 2010

TRIO News Interviews FAP Leadership


FAP Party Leader Tyler Wilson said...

For all of you citizens who are still not convinced that the FAP was not involved in corruption, view this video. The picture featured below is a still frame of our interview with Trio News. At 15 seconds you pause it, you can see proof of this. Once again, we apologize to all citizens who were mislead.
Looking forward to your vote,
FAP Party Leader, Tyler Wilson

Kyubey Mittens said...

Emily:Hi I'm Emily Simpson with Trio News. We have party leader, Tyler Wilson. How are you Tyler?

Tyler:I'm fine Emily how are you?

Emily:I'm good, and who do you have with you?

Tyler:This is FAP spokesperson, Jacob Rinehart.

Jacob:Nice to meet you.

Emily:What is the name of your party?

Tyler:We are the Franklin Alliance Party.

Emily:And what was your name meant to represent?

Jacob:Well it's meant to mean bringing the nations together and unite as one.

Emily:Do you have a campaign or party slogan?

Jacob:Yes, we decided on:"For the people, by the people, for the people, a vote to bring the nation together."

Emily:Ok, do your party follow a more liberal or conservative ideology?

Tyler:We are definitely more conservative.

Emily:What issues does your party plan to make it's focus during this campaign?

Tyler:We'll mainly be focusing on education and foreign affairs. We believe those two are the most important.

Emily:Are you planning to participate in any of the upcoming events like the National Teacher rally forum or the Environmental Protection Council's fourth annual national convention?

Tyler:Yes, we are already participating in the teacher's forum, so you can go in there and see some our views on that and our spokesperson, Jacob Rinehart is currently working on our speech for the teacher rally on the environmental...

Emily:You spoke of a education minister, what would you hope his views would be?

Tyler:The education minister would mainly focus in on making sure every child has a chance for equal education, and that the lesser schools, would have the ability and the supplies needed to achieve.

Emily:You spoke of funding the under privileged schools at a higher rate than we are currently, but you also plan to keep the funds for the privileged schools at a constant rate. Where do you plan on getting the money to fund this program.

Tyler:Well I plan on getting money from, I plan on spending a lot more on education then we have in the past and of course we're going to have to spend less on another topic but we'll get into that later, but we need to spend more on the lesser achieving schools so they have equal opportunity as the higher achieving schools do, and stay constant with them because they're obviously have their needs.

Emily:You want to educate students on foreign nations and how we interact with them. How do you plan on doing that?

Jacob:Well we believe that it is crucial that students understand that we must interact with other nations to survive, and we plan on doing that in the government classes and history classes by showing the history of our interactions with different wars because there is no denying they have been wars and just showing them to really survive in the world we live in we must interact with other nations.

Emily:So, asked if your party will keep involved in world affairs or keep an isolationist stance you would be in favor of involvement in world affairs?

Jacob:Yes, involvement in world affairs definitely.

Emily:Okay, those are all the questions we have. I hope that you guys have, good luck in this campaign.

Tyler:Thanks, Emily

Emily:No problem, Tyler
